vrijdag 22 oktober 2010

OMG! Not another political post! Call your senator!

As I returned home by bus yesterday evening after a seemingly-endless-yet-filled-with-boatloads-of-fun day in Brussels, I saw an ad for the political party Vlaams Belang. It read “the Republic of Flanders” (translation mine).

All obligatory jokes, comments and assertions of madness aside, I began to reflect upon this slogan. Of course, splitting Belgium in smaller parts is not something I see happening for at least a score of years; but, reality and improbability aside, I couldn’t help but think “okay, so let’s say Belgium has split. Now what?

First and foremost, which kind of republic are they talking of? Yes, there are two kinds: republic-republic and democrat-republic, the difference being how much the people truly have a say in matters. Next, who’s going to lead Flanders into a new, ‘better’ era? De Wever? Leterme? De Winter? Some other wannabe rock star? Will our government be based on the revolutionary ones e.g. America and France have? Or rather something like in Soviet Russia or contemporary North Korea, something I really can see happen if some or other VB-loony gets ahold of power. And, not in the least, what would happen with Brussels? These are just some of the pertinent questions that came to mind.

Also, if the VB was to be the leading party, which would be the case if they won the elections and separated Belgium, I could see them changing their rhetoric to target the ‘lesser’ provinces. What’s next? Separate Flanders and Limburg? Kick out West-Flanders too? Or maybe East-Flanders or Flemish-Brabant? Or, once its trade diminishes, stab Antwerp in the back as well? What’s gonna be left in the end? De Winter's village, effectively forming the smallest country in the world? Someone call the Guinness Book of Records already!

I could go on, but I think you get my point: the Republic of Flanders is not something inherently better, it’s just different. It may very well work out, it may crash and burn. But, as I've been saying for years about other political situations, don’t buy into this kind of rhetoric if you don’t know what exactly is gonna change!

1 opmerking:

  1. And then there's the guys who think it'd be better for Flanders to join the Netherlands...
