donderdag 25 november 2010

A small update on my life

Some things I’ve done and come to realize in this past week:
  • I’ve been having this feeling that I’m moving along in life, yet not realizing it while I go along, so when I look back, there’s a giant discrepancy between what I’ve actually done and what I think I’ve done the past couple of months.
  • It’s very and cruelly hard to continue a personal conversation when the other person has big, red watery eyes and looks like they’re about to break into tears at any moment, even though it's paramount you do.
  • On the same note, trying to appear normal and calm when you're actually screaming inside is also one of the harder finesses of life to manage.
  • That last one has to do with the fact that, right when I thought I was out of the woods, someone totally unrelated to this particular problem pulled me right back in. And I seemingly have to go through all the grievous steps to see the outside of the woods all over again...
  • House is, as I've come to realize this week, 100% right: everybody lies.
  • I've noticed how many of my friends have been having boatloads of trouble in the area called love for the past half year or so. I'd like for them to be happy, but sadly, I can't wish those troubles away...
  • One of my teachers simply and clearly wasn’t cut out for teaching. At all. She really does a very sucky job at it, and continues to prove it time after time again. I won’t go into details, but it’d better for everyone if she just stopped teaching and picked up another hobby. Like chess or something…
  • By now, a general plan of the Erasmus you’d like should’ve been shaped. I want to go, but I feel I ain’t got nothing. Yet.
As you can see (or rather, read), this has been another fun-filled week... :/

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