donderdag 2 december 2010

Lemme clear my throat. Again...

A few weeks ago, I came down with the flu pretty hard. Symptoms included, but were not limited to, headaches, nausea, a running nose, and, last, but not least, coughing. Luckily, I had my prescription drugs, and I soon felt a lot better. Nearly all the problems promptly vanished like freshly fallen snow being dissolved by whatever salt was left over from the anti-snow patrols, spread by a fleet of fast-passing cars. I can tell you that, after being sick for one week straight, this was a much appreciated change.

However, as some of the more attentive readers (all two of you) will have noticed, I wrote “nearly all the problems vanished”. Yes, one of the more annoying symptoms stayed, and is still going strong. I’m talking about the coughing part. Yes, instead of just blowing over, I still have to cough regularly. And I know when it will happen. Half of the time it happens when I strain my throat, like when I’m explaining something fast or when I'm laughing. I inexplicably have to cough. As you can imagine, this isn’t cool. “Yeah, then he went to her, said he’d always loved her and that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, so he went in for a kiss, and… *ugh uh ugh*”. Or: “hahaha, that’s very fun- *ugh uhh ugh* “. Not fun. At all.

I’ve tried most of the common patch-ups, like cold medicine, cough syrup and cough drops, etc.; but still: nothing seems to work. It should’ve been fixed weeks ago, yet my coughing still perseveres. Goddammit.

So, dear body: please, please, please kill the baddies responsible for this ASAP. In return, I’ll stop neglecting you (again). Deal? Thanks!

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