donderdag 30 september 2010

Toads! Crapauds! Cheese-eating surrender monkeys!

I planned another topic for this blogpost, but I simply need to vent my angers with this rant. Lately, I’ve been feeling bad because of numerous problems I’ve been having, both professional (well, okay, school-related) and personal. I’ll rant about some of the former in this post, because the personal ones are just that, personal. Not that anyone will ever read any of this, but still, better to not have personal info out in the open.

The primary causes of my anger are the courses I have to take, in particular the French ones. Those who experienced them will know what I'm talking about. Last year, I put up with them. Right now, I downright loathe them. Why? Because I like languages (I do!), but my main source of interest is English. That’s also why I’m writing this blog in English. But I feel like the HUB disrespects English by appointing bad teachers and not caring too much about what we should learn. Last year, I learned (almost) NOTHING! Here and there, something, yes, but altogether? No, not nearly as much as I wanted.

Apart from English, I also take French courses. And while the English courses were kind of a landslide (when they shouldn’t have been), last year I had to work hard for French, the thought being that when one has a HUB-degree of French, he can speak, read and write like a true Frenchie. That’s not something I want. I want it the other way around: I want my French to be okay, but my English to improve drastically! And there’s nothing I feel I can do about this… and that angers me. I’m tired of teaching myself to write and speak better English. I want some professional guidance, but feel like I just can’t get that at the HUB, which is stupefying because that's the reason I started Applied Languages there in the first place.

Also, many people there have to redo their 1st year (be it French or something other), so I don’t see them as much, and that saddens me. Last year, it was easy to find someone you liked on the old, way better campus, and you could go sit pretty much next to anyone in class, but now? Not at all. There are people I haven’t seen for months, and I have no idea what they’re doing now. And yes, I blame the French courses.

It’s just that I don’t really like studying French, so I’m inclined to neglect it. But to survive it, I have to work harder than I would care to. And it just sucks.

I hear you thinking, but, wait dude, why don't you just quit? Short answer: I always have to pick a second language! I won't bother with Russian, German or Italian. And those who know me a bit know that Spanish isn't the best choice either... So I'll have to stay with French and sit out this ride, which is a b*tch.

The only, small light I see at the end of the tunnel is that, in (hopefully!) one and a half years time, I will be released from that French curse. But we aren’t there yet, not by a long shot…

Maybe I'm being too hard on all this - there are, after all, multiple reasons I've been feeling bad lately, so you can expect me to feel more dreary overall than I would if I had few other problems (as was the case last year). And as for the rest of my problems, they're for some other time (if at all), for this wall of text already violates the rules of proper blog-bienséance.

(As a small side note, Google Translate now translates from and to Latin, so I immediately entered the famous quote “Cetero censeo Carthaginem esse delendam”. The English translation? “Cato The Elder”! Google never ceases to bemuse and impress me!)

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