A blog about everything and nothing. A blog about my life and experiences. A blog about random, funny or interesting things I encounter.
woensdag 29 december 2010
On love
zaterdag 25 december 2010
70 days later...
It was just brought to my attention that we still don't have a government, even 196 days after those elections! Mind you, the government fell way before that (48 days earlier, if I still can count correctly), and I read somewhere that the meetings were adjourned 'till the new year, for at least 14 days. That will eventually make for a total of - at the very least - 258 days without a federal government!
No, we're doing awesome down here...
(I feel obligated to say that the reason this is is the highly controversial and delicate matter about BHV - in short: as always with matters this controversial, someone will lose power and money if it goes one way or the other; and that we do have a resigning federal government - it can only take care of matters which were already present when the government resigned, but doesn't have a say in anything that has since cropped up.)
woensdag 22 december 2010
I just had sex..
Nah man, the guys from The Lonely Island, known for such hits as I'm on a boat and Jizz In My Pants, just released another music video; it's so good, catchy and formitastic I wanted to share it with you, enjoy:
zondag 19 december 2010
Merry VLC!
vrijdag 17 december 2010
Last night...
One might say all this made for one fine evening!
donderdag 16 december 2010
Positive determination?
donderdag 9 december 2010
Take public transportation, they said! It's a man's life, they said!
zondag 5 december 2010
The Pictorial Paradigm Distortion
I can't really explain my thoughts on this quite well, so, please, at least try to make some sense of this incoherent mumbo-jumbo. But without further ado:
donderdag 2 december 2010
Lemme clear my throat. Again...
zondag 28 november 2010
Modern times
(On a whole 'nother note, I can't help but feel I'm the only one who hasn't seen, and has no intention to see, the new Potter movie. Strange, that.)
donderdag 25 november 2010
A small update on my life
- I’ve been having this feeling that I’m moving along in life, yet not realizing it while I go along, so when I look back, there’s a giant discrepancy between what I’ve actually done and what I think I’ve done the past couple of months.
- It’s very and cruelly hard to continue a personal conversation when the other person has big, red watery eyes and looks like they’re about to break into tears at any moment, even though it's paramount you do.
- On the same note, trying to appear normal and calm when you're actually screaming inside is also one of the harder finesses of life to manage.
- That last one has to do with the fact that, right when I thought I was out of the woods, someone totally unrelated to this particular problem pulled me right back in. And I seemingly have to go through all the grievous steps to see the outside of the woods all over again...
- House is, as I've come to realize this week, 100% right: everybody lies.
- I've noticed how many of my friends have been having boatloads of trouble in the area called love for the past half year or so. I'd like for them to be happy, but sadly, I can't wish those troubles away...
- One of my teachers simply and clearly wasn’t cut out for teaching. At all. She really does a very sucky job at it, and continues to prove it time after time again. I won’t go into details, but it’d better for everyone if she just stopped teaching and picked up another hobby. Like chess or something…
- By now, a general plan of the Erasmus you’d like should’ve been shaped. I want to go, but I feel I ain’t got nothing. Yet.
zaterdag 20 november 2010
For you
maandag 15 november 2010
On race relations
zaterdag 30 oktober 2010
Short story 101: Chekov
donderdag 28 oktober 2010
The Grim Goings-on
maandag 25 oktober 2010
The Technical Travesty
zondag 24 oktober 2010
The Pokémon trading card game-effect
vrijdag 22 oktober 2010
OMG! Not another political post! Call your senator!
dinsdag 19 oktober 2010
Hey, Sony? Yeah, this is to you.
To everyone who tried to contact me and who I've blatantly 'ignored' last week: a heartfelt sorry!
zondag 17 oktober 2010
126 days. And counting.
donderdag 14 oktober 2010
Walt Kowalski? Valt Kovalski!
We are required to choose 2 optional courses this year (my first choice being Spanish, but sadly we cannot register for that), and I don't want to study a tramontane 3rd language like German (yuck), Tukish (why would anyone?) or Lithuanian (?); nor economics (which I've never understood the logic of; I mean, I give you 2 bucks, you give me 2 bucks, and suddenly, we've got an economy?!?), and because some friends are doing it, I decided to give Polish a shot. Okay, okay, last year, the average grade was about 16/20, but I swear that had very little to do with it. If you catch my drift.
So today, I had my first lesson of Polish.
It was... interesting to say the least. The alphabet and the accompanying pronounciation are absolutely FUBAR, antediluvian words those peculiar Polacks picked up, like politika (try and guess the meaning of that one!), are treated like they're all shiny and new, and, if Polish were a guy, he'd certainly not be dressed to the nines. More like a dreary slumdog, with the obligatory wear, tear and rust on his torn clothes. Kinda like Limburgian.
But apart from all that, those 4 hours seemed to fly by, and I'm quite happy I went for it. It doesn't really have the typical feel of an academic course, but rather a summer course. I don't know how long that feeling will last (in my experience, about 2-3 weeks, followed by a sudden and sickening realization that you should pick up the studying pace by about 4,000%), yet there seems to be something inherently right about it all.
I wonder if that will stay the same. But in the meantime, I'll take that wonderment as a yes.
(Note: if you're wondering, the title refers to both the great movie Gran Torino (Clint Eastwood, hell yeah!), and the fact that /w/ is pronounced as [v] in Polish.)
dinsdag 12 oktober 2010
Meta-blog Blogger blog (that sure is a lot of blog)
I’ve had this blog now for about 4 weeks, and I wanted to share some of my thoughts about it.
- For one, I feel like I overuse the pronouns I and it. You may not feel that way, but only because when I write, I revise constantly, and continually try to erase them. But the amount of times I’ve pressed that accursed i button on my laptop are way too many.
- As I’ve stated in my introductory post, this essentially is a school assignment, so you can expect blogs of classmates to rise out of the ground and their respective authors to update them frequently. This, however, is not the case: I’ve been looking around at their blogs, and mine really is unique in the sense that I put up a lot, and personal info for that assignment. (Though I’m not saying that others should write down longer/more personal texts!)
- Even though you may think I put up sensitive and personal information, I don’t mind. It’s the only thing I would write about even if I didn’t want to. I just can’t write about one hobby or one continuous topic. It’s just not in me, because I've always felt like I'm so much more than that. I know a something of everything, that's who I am, and my blog will reflect that multifacetedness of my soul, whether anyone likes it or not.
- I didn’t expect this to be so much fun: I can essentially write what I want, and that’s a good outlet of some of my thoughts. I really like that, even though I know no-one will ever get to know me just by reading this blog (or no-one reads this drab drivel, for that matter).
- I try to write as clear and informative as possible (as I believe that’s the true role of the author), but that’s not easy. Yes, I’m an unreliable narrator. Yes, I twist and turn stories. Yes, there are things I don’t, or can’t know about. Yes, some of my thoughts don’t translate well into written language. Yes, there are things I expect my readers to know, even though sometimes they don’t. Yes, you, the reader, have, and will, make faulty conclusions from reading my blog. All that results in a fallible view of the world I present to you. And there’s little anyone can do to correct it.
- Much more personal: I've noticed the attention one of my posts (and, more specifically, one particular line), has been getting, and have considered many a time deleting it. Either you know what I'm talking about (good for you), or you don't (in which case you won't). But seriously, that situation had the bad luck of presenting itself in that particular moment in time. I didn't, and don't, 'mean' anything by it other than stated right there. So stop that rumor-mill, if you please!